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Portfolio Builder Questionnaire

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Employment Status
Annual Income Range
What are your primary reasons for investing in cryptocurrencies?
How much money are you thinking of starting with for your crypto investments?
Are you comfortable with periodic investments (e.g., monthly contributions) to your crypto portfolio?
What is your investment timeline for your portfolio?
If Yes, Please Indicate.
How would you describe your risk tolerance?
How would you react to a significant short-term loss in your investment portfolio?
Have you previously invested in cryptocurrencies or other digital assets?
How would you rate your knowledge and experience with cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms?
Have you ever used DeFi asset management platforms for cryptocurrency investments?
By submitting this questionnaire, you acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge.

Dublin 2, Dublin

Northview Wealth

Ten Ely Place, Dublin 2 Dublin, Ireland D02 HR98